Sunday 22 January 2017

Homework for Chantelle's session

Have a warm cup of tea, and spend some time familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary for my session.

Then, take a moment to journal some of your responses to my questions.  Thank you!

Homework for Chantelle's session

Helpful vocabulary and questions for Chantelle's session

Worldview:  a philosophy of life, a framework for how we see the world

Culture:  the beliefs, behaviours, manners, arts of a group of people

Bishop Mark MacDonald, Anglican Church of Canada, on how Jesus and culture come together:

Ethnocentric:  evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.

Fear:  Pastor Patti Victor from the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada on why Indigenous spirituality should *NOT* scare you

Bias: prejudice in favour of someone or something

Stereotype:  a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing

Doctrine of Discovery:  the idea, which became law, held by early explorers and settlers that North America land was okay to be colonized because Indigenous peoples were not "Christian"

  • Do you have a worldview?  Spend some writing down what your worldview is.
  • Do you think worldview and faith intersect?  
  • Are you a person of faith?  If so, how does your culture shape your faith?
  • If you are a person of faith, is your faith community ethnocentric?  Why or why not?  How would you know?
  • Would it make you angry to hear someone found your faith community racist?  Why or why not?
  • What are your stereotypes about Native peoples?  Where did these come from?  
  • What were you told about Native peoples in your family of origin?  or in your faith community?
  • What worldviews do you think have dominated Christianity in Canada?
  • Which cultures currently dominate Christianity in Canada?
  • Can Christianity be helped by having more worldviews?
  • What fears arise when you are asked to consider Native culture?  What do you fear will happen to you or your children?  
  • Can the modern evangelical Church be compared to Residential Schools in any way?  Are we still expecting First Nations' children to part with their culture?  Is there room for those of different cultures in our homeschool communities?  in our Churches?  

Saturday 7 January 2017

Resources for teaching First Nations Learning Outcomes

Welcome to our mini-blog of resources to get you started in teaching your First Nations learning outcomes with compassion and sensitivity.  

Thank you for taking the time to explore and to learn.

You may not know that Indigenous culture and Indigenous communities are beautiful, filled with warmth, love, grace, kindness, respect, faith, and fun.

There are some emotionally challenging topics to cover, but there is also a beautiful, dynamic Indigenous culture alive in Canada today.  Thank you for taking the time to learn with an open heart.


Authentic fiction sources can be among the best ways to open up dialogue sensitively with your child. Indigenous communities have long histories of storytelling and this tradition can be seen in modern Indigenous authors who are finally telling Indigenous history and truth from their own perspective.

Please try to find books that are written by actual Indigenous authors.  

Books can be found for every age level.

A great list to start with can be found here:

More great titles:

Teaching Supports for Truth and Reconciliation

Christian point of view

The Mennonite Church of Canada has taken an active role in Truth and Reconciliation.  If you would like resources from a Christian point of view, their website is a great place to start.  They are also open to answering questions through e-mail and Facebook chats.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Canada has a great prayer guide on Truth and Reconciliation:

Likewise, the Anglican Church of Canada has a great website filled with resources from a Christian point of view, lots of easy to follow video clips:

United Church of Canada and Indigenous Justice:

A fabulous Christian-based social justice group, Kairos.  Find out about and participate in a blanket-exercise:

Starting from the beginning:  why all the fuss?  

Wab Kinew, one of Canada's Aboriginal leaders and now a member of the legislature in Manitoba, takes us back to the very beginning, in an easy to follow documentary series.  A great place to start:

EASY TO READ.  TIMELINE of Residential Schools in Canada:

Why can't "those people" just get it together?

Intergenerational trauma changes DNA similar to Holocaust survivors.  Documented and researched by leading academics:

Important websites

Truth and Reconciliation Canada

Participate in Project of Heart

Find speakers, attend workshops

Plan your own Orange Shirt Day for your homeschool community (September 30th)

British Columbia Teachers' Federation Truth and Reconciliation resources:

Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre

National Association of Friendship Centres

Council for Aboriginal Education in Manitoba

Fun cultural links

Indigenous communities love to dance
A bit about pow-wow, from Dr. Richard Lyons, OC (won the Order of Canada for his contributions to bringing back Ojibwe culture and also danced for the Queen of England):

West Coast Indigenous dance

Contemporary Indigenous music (for your teen)

Great traditional plants guide (Ontario)

A bit about beading

Seven Sacred Values (and colouring for your kiddos)

Learn Ojibway/Cree phrases with Aandeg Muldrew

YouTube: gaagaagi gaagiigido

Cecelia Cashore-Reekie, Langley, BC's first Aboriginal school trustee, adoption story and TED talk:

Just whose family heirlooms are those in the museum?

Powerful documentary (for adults and older teens only) on Residential Schools, We Were Children:

We welcome your questions and thank you for your open-hearted interest.  We ask that you keep all comments respectful.  Thank you.